Problems with Ulcers? How are Your Gums?
Ulcers are painful and they can be dangerous to your health. Ulcers are another systemic link to periodontal disease. When there is periodontal disease (gum disease) and it goes untreated, a variety of risk factors increase. Some illnesses and diseases are directly related to it. Why?
It’s believed that the ongoing bacterial infection in the mouth has a big impact on the body as a whole. This makes sense, too, because that bacteria continually enters the stomach, the bloodstream, and the respiratory system.
It’s believed that the ongoing bacterial infection in the mouth has a big impact on the body as a whole. This makes sense, too, because that bacteria continually enters the stomach, the bloodstream, and the respiratory system. Larger gum pockets offer more real estate for bacteria to breed and thrive. The results are disastrous for your smile and for your health in general. Austin dentist Dr. Broberg offers gum assessments as well as periodontal disease treatment options and would be happy to see you to help you determine whether or not gum disease is putting your health and mouth at risk.
Signs of Ulcers
Ulcer signs include a lot of stomach pain, even between meals. If you repeatedly vomit, have a lot of heartburn and indigestion it’s wise to make an appointment with your doctor to determine whether or not you may have an ulcer.
H.pylori is a big concern and evidence points to people with gum disease having a higher instance of h.pylori bacteria, which can lead to cancer.
Getting treatment for ulcers and / or h.pylori while ignoring signs of gum disease could mean that ulcers easily return.