New Patients: (512) 861-6045
Current Patients: (512) 888-9453
9521 US Hwy 290 W, Suite 103
Austin, TX 78737
Common Causes of Tooth Pain
added on: December 29, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

A dull and achy throb. A sharp zinging pain. A swollen face and unbearable agony. These are some common ways our patients have described a toothache. Even though nobody ever wants to experience a toothache, your dentist in Austin knows that, unfortunately, they happen to just about everyone at least… Read More…

4 Things You Can Do To Protect Against Tooth Staining
added on: December 17, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

Everyone wants a bright, white smile. But everyday things can take their toll on teeth and cause staining or discoloration. From coffee to wine, to certain medications and beets, it seems that everything we consume can transform our pearly whites into dull, discolored teeth. But, as your dentist in Austin… Read More…

What Your Dentist Can Tell Just From Looking at Your Teeth
added on: November 24, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

Your dentist in Austin will often ask you things about your overall health as well as your habits, and with good reason. But there are times when patients aren’t comfortable sharing some aspects of their life with their dental team and instead try to keep these things a secret. However,… Read More…

Whole-Body Benefits of Good Oral Health
added on: October 27, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

You may have heard the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. While that may be true, your dentist in Austin wants you to know that the mouth is in fact the window to overall health. Years of research continues to show just how important oral health… Read More…

National Dental Hygiene Month
added on: October 15, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

One of the most important parts of your regular dental visits is the time you spend with your dental hygienist. After all, these caring and invaluable team members provide preventive dentistry to each and every patient which helps keep their friends and neighbors healthy. So it only makes sense that… Read More…

3 Reasons to See Your Dentist During Cancer Treatment 
added on: September 28, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

Getting a cancer diagnosis can be understandably scary, and some cancer treatments can cause some unwanted and unpleasant side effects throughout your body. Your mouth is no exception. While we understand that seeing your dentist in Austin may not be at the top of your to-do list, especially if you’re… Read More…

How to Fix a Gummy Smile
added on: September 18, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

Having a gummy smile can affect someone’s self-confidence, and if you’re someone who sees more gum tissue than teeth when smiling or talking, you may know exactly what we’re talking about. In fact, it’s not uncommon for your dentist in Austin to hear patients say they’re embarrassed by their smiles,… Read More…

Why Do Our Teeth Fall Out? 
added on: August 28, 2020
Broberg Family Dental

There’s a myth out there that says we’re almost guaranteed to lose some of our teeth as we get older. But a study by the American Dental Association says otherwise. In fact, more adults are keeping more of their natural teeth longer now than ever before. But that doesn’t ultimately… Read More…

Is Getting a Root Canal Really That Bad?
added on: August 19, 2020
male dentist with patient

When someone tells you that they need to have a root canal, do you immediately grimace and start thanking your lucky stars that it’s not happening to you? You’re not alone. Many people who hear the words “root” and “canal” together shudder in fear. After all, this dental treatment doesn’t… Read More…

Why Are My Teeth Discolored?
added on: July 29, 2020
woman hides her smile behind hat

When we picture a healthy smile, we all tend to envision bright, white teeth. So as your dentist in Austin, we can certainly understand why it may be concerning if you notice some discoloration in your smile. We’re also here to help by sharing some things that can cause tooth… Read More…

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