When you think about your oral health, you may only consider your teeth. But the bigger truth is that your oral health has a direct link to your overall health and even heart disease. As we begin the annual February celebration of American Heart Health Month, the team at our… Read More…
Regular dental cleanings and exams can go a long way in keeping your mouth healthy. But when we miss these bi-annual appointments, the likelihood that a dental problem will pop up increases. These dental problems can be painful and even lead to more serious complications if left untreated. The team… Read More…
Whether due to aging, smoking, or drinking too much tooth-staining tea, there are plenty of things that can cause our pearly whites to be, well… not so white. If you’re one of the many people who are trying to score a whiter smile by using whitening toothpastes, our dental office… Read More…
‘Tis the season of stuffy noses, persistent coughs, and sore throats. It’s officially cold and flu season. And even though the team at our dental office in Austin is committed to keeping our patients and neighbors healthy, there are just some things we can’t fix. The common cold being one… Read More…
This may first appear as a silly question to ask your dentist in Austin. Popular opinion would answer it with a resounding, “Yes, chocolate is bad for your teeth. Obviously.” However, our Austin dental office has a slightly different position when it comes to chocolate and your oral health. Chocolate’s… Read More…
We’re just beginning the month long craziness of the holiday season. Between the meal preps, travel arrangements, party planning, and everything in between, it’s only normal to feel a little more stressed than normal. It’s no secret that stress can negatively affect overall health, but the team at our Austin… Read More…
Everyone is most likely aware of the countless health problems that can result from a smoking habit. But quitting isn’t always easy. This month, as we help recognize the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout, held every year on the third Thursday in November, the team at our Austin dental… Read More…
Dental fear is incredibly common among adult Americans. In fact, an estimated 80 million Americans have some level of dental fear. While the team at our dental office in Austin certainly understands that being afraid of the dentist is a very real thing, we also always want to try our… Read More…
Every October the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP) sponsor National Dental Hygiene Month to both recognize talented dental hygienists everywhere and to drive awareness to the importance of practicing proper oral hygiene. Of course this is a celebration our Austin dental office can… Read More…
So you’ve just had your six month dental checkup and you were told you need to consider getting a dental night guard. What exactly is a dental night guard and what is it for? The team at our dental office in Austin is here to explain. What’s a Dental Night… Read More…